Baby Butch: A Love Letter From the Future, by Melissa Sky

29 05 2010

baby butch: a love letter

from the future
.     .     .    .    .

this is a love letter

from the future

baby butch

a lingering kiss

blown from a space that exists

where butch

is not an insult

for a girl

consider this

an enlivening embrace

from a time you will find

where the word—butch–is mouthed

with reverence

and longing

right now

i know

you don’t know

can’t know

your own power

your different beauty

the resplendent, dazzling joy that awaits you

once you find us

the women who will look at you

with awe

with envy

with desire

right now

in these first terrifying forays into

exploring how male you might want to be

when your uncle asks
“why would you do that to yourself?”

when the saleslady says

“sir, or m’am or whatever you are”

know that we are here



wanting you

wanting precisely what confounds and unnerves them

in the future

women will thrill to

such exceptional and exquisite contradictions

trust me

when you meet us

see for yourself the way

our eyes widen, our breath catches

at the mere way you walk into a room

the way you hold yourself in the world

it will no longer matter so much

not when you know us

feel the way

our tongues taste, our thighs open

for the way you transgress the lines daily

trust yourself

your secret subterranean visions

dye your hair purple, pierce your eyebrow, put on the tie

one day

i tell you

one day

baby butch

a rocking hot woman

will use that tie deftly on you

creating knots that would put the boys scouts to shame

and you’ll see what power looks like

in black stockings and 4 inch heels

she will give you things

you don’t know


that you want

and that woman

she will

whisper, whimper, sigh

shriek, croon, sob, guffaw, chant and cry out

thank you

thank you

thank you baby butch

for having the courage

to withstand their acrid stares

to contravene their assumptions for you

to become the complex, competent, confident woman

you are already well on your way to becoming

for all the ardent femmes of your future

our latent lover

thank you

thank you for allowing us to be

for me to be

over you, under you, beside you, twisted around you, inside you, upside down on the playground monkey bars at midnight with you

but mostly

under you

oh goddess

under you

with your biceps straining and your eyes flashing

that look that screams


you don’t even know the things I’m about to do to you

and you’ll ask her to take it

and she will

she will open and open and open

to levels of openness she didn’t even know existed within her

and together you will smash through limits, transcend boundaries, freefall from the edge and arrive panting and spent in evocative territories unsuspected and staggering


then do it all again tomorrow morning

disregarding the 6 o’clock alarm

so she has no time to straighten her hair

and all day at work, she flashes back to why

the sweet, sweet why

you will learn how to fuck her

with finesse

hard and precise

careful not to mess up the hairdo she spent 20 minutes perfecting

you will learn to unhook a lacy push up bra with one hand

to manage tiny clasps as she holds up her hair for you to place jewelry about the exposed curve of her neck

to place your hand at the small dip of her back as she sways in kick ass come fuck me boots down the street

to relish the sound of unzipping her dress, letting it fall to floor and following its delicious descent yourselves

just wait

when you see yourself reflected in their eyes with distortion, with contempt

remember there will be women who see you

fully embracing everything they scorned as

wrong, ugly, unworthy, disgusting


don’t believe them


know that one day you will walk by those same boys

with a woman on your arm so luscious

so succulent in her sexiness that it will drip from

your arm

casually slung across her shoulder

her ass

making music in her jeans

they will stare after you like ravenous dogs

sniffing forlornly at the bitch that got away

they’ll scuffle and stare in disbelief

that you, somehow, you got the girl


there’s a little somethin somethin to contribute to your swagger

baby dyke

yearning for things only vaguely conceptualized


in the words of a stranger

who is your long lost foremother

you will learn in time to

“follow the scent of a woman

melon heavy ripe with joy

inspiring [you] to rip great holes in the sky”

the future

wants to fuck the shit out of you

baby butch

so hold on

the ride is just beginning

and it will rock you


we’re waiting




Melissa Sky

Butch Voices Regional Conferences!

26 05 2010

Hey butches, butch babies, studs, bois, genderqueers/genderfucks, transmen, and appreciators –

Registration for Butch Voices NYC event is officially open! They are also calling for submissions until August 1st for workshops, proposals, etc. What could be better than this huge butch-bonding event?! For those in different areas, there will also be regional conferences in Dallas (TX), Portland (OR), and Los Angeles (CA). I hope some of you consider attending!

For more information and to register, visit the Butch Voices website.

Also, I have several more entries to post on this blog. To those who have submitted, do not worry, you are fantastic! Things have just been a little bit crazy around here!

BUTCH love.

Facebook group, Twitter, E-mail

15 04 2010

Hey folx!

I just wanted to remind everyone of ways to stay in touch with The Butch Project. Though you can definitely find more contact info on this site, we also have a facebook group now. The group is utilized a lot by posting discussion topics about various butch-related things.

Facebook Group!


You can always e-mail stories, ideas, pictures, suggestions for collaboration, and more to the project e-mail address at

Look forward to hearing more from you to help really build this community!

The Butch Alphabet

9 04 2010

This is a sample entry by me:

My Butch Alphabet

By Kay Paiva


A is for aggressive, which we’re supposed to be,

B is for binding, which just isn’t for me.

C is for cats, a queer girl’s best friend,

D is for down-to-earth; we’re real and don’t pretend.

E is for economic. If we need shorts, we cut our jeans.

F is for Ford! I don’t even know what Corvette effing means.

G is for girls. Do I need to go on?

H is for holding doors and giving a chest to rest upon.

I is for idiocy and playing silly pranks,

J is for Jagermeister, to which we give many thanks.

K is for karma. Appreciate your femme!

L is for lovers, be good to them!

M is for music – Amy, Emily, and Dar,

N is for no hating and a classic muscle car.

O is for Ovaltine, so good you want to cry.

P is for pancakes, potato skins, papayas, and pie .

Q is for queer and reclaiming of this term,

R is for rebelliousness and standing tall and firm.

S is for snuggling, which we claim to hate,

T is for tools, curves, and waiting for my soul mate.

U is for the U.S., where I was born and reside,

V is vacations and a really really long car ride.

X is for …I don’t know… Xcore?

Y is for your butch sisters, whom you should adore.

Z is for zealous, zany, differences, and diversity, a constant sweet war.


These are obviously not going to be the same views of other butch-identified people. This is merely an example that I wrote to show the different sides, associations, and funny/serious elements of being identified as this.

New marketing

25 03 2010


A new image...